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Today iPhone's 5th Year Anniversary and Apple has completed another milestone.

Well it has been long since a post, and this one is worth a comment.

Apple will complete five years since the launch of the first iPhone on June 29th, 2007. Since then Apple has sold 250 Million units of the iPhone worldwide which amounts a total revenue of $150 Billion.

The data provided by VoucherCodes.co.uk puts up some interesting facts about the progress of Apple since the launch of the iPhone.

In a five years 18 crore iphone sold

5 year Anniversary : iPhone's


 Year  Sold per piece
 2007   13.89 lacs
 2008  116.25 lacs
 2009  207.31 lacs
 2010  399.89 lacs
 2011  723.00 lacs
 2012  370.44 lacs
 Total  1830.78 lacs

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